Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Jan 1

January 1st. The first day of the year 2008, the first day I ever rented a car for myself, and the first time I ever paid a toll to continue driving on a road. $2.37?
It reminded me of the first time I took a coat to the dry-cleaners......a rite of passage. ha ha.
There's always a first time.

So I am here in Kansas (also the first time I have ever spent the 1st in Kansas) Hmm. I am here to be an assistant to ML for a 2 week design bootcamp.....oh - excuse me, I meant workshop. It officially starts tomorrow night, but since I am going home early I came early to help set up, etc. So far it's me and Brandon, or Brandon and I....he is a workshop participant who will also help out where he can. He has a great attitude. Brian will be the other assistant...yikes - that not very many of us! We will have less than 25 participants....when I attended this same workshop 2 years ago there was double that, and that was considered small. But with a small group we should get a lot accomplished and become a tight-knit group, with memories to create.
I arrived in Manhattan (uh-huh...Kansas, Manhattan that is) and checked in to where I would be staying, then I headed to the design studio to see what I could do to help.
ML (the design workshop wizard) greeted me with a surprised smile and a hug - and then I was shortly greeted thereafter..."you married?"....."nope." He looked at me...and followed it up with "you are too picky," said as a statement rather than a question. "uh-huh." We were off to a good start. :)
A little while later we were on to the Sunday subject that we had some discussion about two years ago as some will remember....ha ha. Why don't I work on Sunday? :) - What in the world would I possibly do for an entire day that didn't include work, tv, movies, etc.....after all - church was only three hours (3?!)...then what?!? - Like I said - we are off to a good start.
I say that with all sincerity. It shall be a great two weeks full of questions and answers....on both sides I might add. ML is very deliberate in his thinking and some might say opinionated...I would concord, I think he would too...maybe.
Well, we are off to eat Chinese (which i have a feeling we will be doing a lot of - hey, as long as there are fortune cookies) then it is back to the studio.

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