Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gordon B. Hinckley 1910-2008

Gordon Bitner Hinckley - President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Prophet of God, and a friend to all, passed away this evening. For the past week or so I have had this picture sitting on my desk, it is one of my favorites. I have been waiting and wanting to publish a post about this most remarkable man and there seems no time more appropriate than this evening. I feel quite inadequate to put into words a tribute to a man who changed the world, who changed me.

I always looked forward to his addresses at General Conference, as did many. Just the sound of his voice fills me with truth. He taught me about Christ, love, doing good, being better, loving all, forgiveness, compassion, humility, integrity, reverence, and so much more.

I think it only fitting that he pass away into the next stage of existence on a Sunday evening - at the close of the Sabbath day, when many of us are at home with our loved ones. I am sure there were many families that spent the evening talking about all he has taught them, about the numerous temples that have been constructed during his time as president, his seemingly never-ending energy, more than appreciated humor, how he always waved his cane to show his love for all, and that smile...that unforgettable smile.

I think of him now, with his wife Marjorie. How he missed her and how sweet, truly sweet that reunion must have been. I am sure I cannot begin to imagine the joyous and sacred moments he must be having, meeting with family, ancestors, past prophets and fellow apostles; Brother Joseph, Brother Brigham, Mormon, Moroni, Alma, Nephi, Moses, Adam. I think of the everlasting welcome he must have received from his Father, and his Brother - whom he represented here on the earth as his prophet.

He will be missed, and it will be oh so odd to think of him not here, but what he has taught will continue to shape the lives of many, including mine. I thank the Lord this night for the blessed life of Gordon B. Hinckley, and now he is home. Home sweet home.

1 comment:

  1. Lorien,

    Thank you for that beautiful tribute. You said everything I wanted to say only better. As I have said to several, if all people in the world were like Pres. Hinkley the millenium would be here in no time without all the destruction that has been prophecied. How can we ever thank President Hinkely enough! And you know, I have had those same feelings about every prophet that has passed on during my lifetime. But the longer someone is prophet the greater the opportunity to love him with increasing attachment. President Hinkley gives me faith in the goodness that men and women really are capable of achieving.



