Saturday, January 19, 2008

JaNuaRY 18th

Nathanael, who is also known as Nith, Nathanel, Flannel Man, and currently Elder Hall, is quite the character and the brother! This picture was taken shortly before he left for France, almost two years ago. He is a dreamer and a creator. This entire entourage that we see adorning his body was entirely designed, and produced by his very own hands, - there might have even been a sewing machine involved? (I'll have to check my sources). He has a number of costumes that he would sport regularly around the house, from a Roman soldier, to a LOTR character. From a WWII infantry soldier to a ranking officer, hat and all. And let us not forget his Captain Moroni moments. It didn't matter the time or day, but I think he has spent more time in costume than he has in what one would consider civilian clothes. From the time he was young, he'd slip out at odd hours in camouflage, saying, "I am going on a mission." What he did and where he went I have no idea. But even if it was just to the backyard and into the trees, I am sure for him he might as well have been in a different world, in a different time period.

Now he is on a different kind of mission: Proclaiming the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and today - if today was January 18th, is his birthday! He has been out for almost two years and returns the 7th of February. !!!


1 comment:

  1. that is an awesome picture. what a goof. I can't wait for him to get home.
