Saturday, January 05, 2008

almost time for lunch

Susan is a fiery red-head from San Diego. She's been in publishing for a number of years and now that she is in her 60's, is looking for a new avenue to explore. She started volunteering at a local Japanese garden and then spent 3 months in Kyoto studying Japanese design. She hopes to go back to Kyoto for 6 additional months to continue her in-depth study. The garden is a process, not a product she tells me. I agree. One must approach the garden in a humble way and never let arrogance drive the design - I agree. I have never been overly fascinated by the Asian culture. I am not sure why, but it has never tugged at my soul. I am starting to appreciate it more and am seeing if somewhere along the way it takes me. I have had more exposure to that culture by my associations with ML, Estella, and now Susan (who's artistic style and personality i am enjoying) so we'll see if that leads to anything.
Rob is from Utah State...he wasn't born at the university of course. Maybe nearby. He is going into Landscape Architecture and is color blind. Interesting for a designer/architect. I told him that I think if he can get his black and white graphics to a stunning level then he can do whatever he wants with color and that will become his signature in the field.
Today is Saturday and I am rather astonished that the days have passed by so quickly! The crew is holding up well thus far.....I am trying to think of little things I can do to keep the audience animated. Does that phrase work in English? - 'keep the audience animated?'

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