Saturday, August 07, 2010

August arrives

I have nothing particular I would like to think about, discuss, or share at this time.  But maybe rambling on a bit will free up some space in my head.

Probably the most exciting thing happening at this moment is that I am getting the city library's WiFi signal while sitting on a bench in the gravel courtyard just east of the building.  I thought for sure I was too far away for free internet access....which is making the posting of this blog doable.

It's a nice courtyard/terrace where I sit, but I think I would have arranged the center line of trees differently.  It's just a tad uncomfortable to have the benches and the trees arranged as they are.  But just a tad.

Since August has arrived, I have been loving the weather.  The air has shifted which is showing a different side of the weather patterns personality and character.  A side which I get along with quite well for the most part.

Bells are tolling.  Pigeons are walking and cooing as pigeons do.  And sometimes, more than I would like, I am a blubbering fool.

Bells toll again  - it is 6 o'clock.  6 o'clock and all is well. 

I am hungry.  Time for food.