Friday, January 25, 2008

Back to Kansas

In order to promote lasting friendships and professional contacts, Ann from the Kansas workshop created a facebook group called 'can I see yours?' for all of us participants to use to promote continuing ties and to critique each others work. Since I was a TA I felt rather obligated to join to keep up with the Kansas crowd...and tonight I did the deed.

Now I am getting requests from people I know, slightly....asking me to be their friend. I don't want to decline....but at the same time I don't want to accept. I am not looking to create any more space online for myself other than this blog here...(and an orkut account to keep up with all of my Brazilians).
So if you find my name on 'my space', and request to be my friend and I don't respond. Please don't feel offended. We can still be friends, yes.

So here's to remembering Kansas!

Out to lunch...with my favorite crew! Alan and Paul the Canucks, Rob and Don my church-going comrades, Grant - quiet but not too quiet and crazy Josh took the pic.

Out to dinner...possibly one of the worst Italian dishes I have eaten.

Object lesson in perspective drawing

I love this picture.....yes, sometimes we drew, sometimes we doodled, sometimes we drooled, and sometimes we slept.


  1. I am very passionate about my opinion regarding online relationships...if you don't really WANT them, then you don't have any obligation to HAVE them. DOn't feel bad turning people down! I don't think you should have to do that at all. Anyway, if you need some encouragement to not waste your time with people you don't want to slight, but really don't want to accept, here it is. If those other people really want to get a hold of you, they will find another way. My tirade is over. Thank You.

