Saturday, October 30, 2010

Traveler Notes

A tourist gets lost, a traveler wanders.


When traveling, there exists a balance between the use of the different modes of transportation: bus, subway, train,  motorbike, bicycle, and foot.  I think it`s important to experience all of the above, or as many are available, in order to gain an array of experiences and ways of life in any particular city or town.  Plus, there`s some odd sense of accomplishment when you`ve got the local transportation systems and routes down.  You feel like you belong, and that`s one purpose of a traveler. 

This morning on my way to the University, I could have taken the bus which would have cut my travel time from 30 plus minutes to about 10.  But why take the bus when you have time to walk?  The weather is the best it`s ever been, a perfect fall day in Kyoto.  I would have missed out on seeing Grandma ride by on a scooter with her scarf showing her speed.  Or a few grandpas pedaling down the sidewalk.  I love seeing the elderly out zooming around.  It`s so normal here.  The two yellow butterflies entertaining the coreopsis would never have been witnessed, and the smell of morning bread at a local bakery would never have reached my nasal passages.  I also wouldn`t have realized that the little green and red people on the "walk" and "do not walk" lights are all wearing hats.  So appropriate.

Sometimes it`s good to leave the sidewalks and experience life on the bus or the subway - from my experience you get to observe the business class a bit better.  Lots of suits on the subways.

This type of going about doesn`t need to be restricted to only when you are out of town or abroad, and many of us probably already do use a number of modes to get around during our weekly routines, but maybe not.  "But it would be so impractical."  Well, try something different this week and see what happens.  See what you learn.


  1. I totally agree. I love that a city offers a great set of options, and you can chose. Walking is my favorite, but a great bus ride, or quick jump on the subway works on days when you just need to sit and think, or sit and not think! Your group sounds wonderful. It will be fun to see pictures of them when you get back. Perfect time to return to Japan...

  2. Don't forget about ferries, funiculars, tramways and ricksha's!
