Sunday, October 03, 2010

101 things about me part 2

1. I love wood floors preferring wide planks over thin ones
2  And I really like black and white checkered flooring.  They remind me of maids and butlers and various types of metals, such as brass, stainless steel, silver and iron...staircases too
3. I really enjoy having fun pajama pants with a simple, soft white or black scoop neck tee to accompany it
4. I love learning, I will never tire of it
5. Travel is important to me; next fall is tentatively Spain, France and Italy
6. I am not a huge fan of cold cereal
7. I am growing out my hair and it's sometimes a nuisance, but I try to appreciate it for where it's currently at
8. I've had scabies, dengue fever and a pretty bad case of staph (Ahem...I was living in Ecuador...then Brazil)
9. I used to not like spring.  But a few years ago I began to learn to appreciate it
10. I like orange and oranges, but green will always be my favorite color
11. In fifth grade I won all the races at field day
12. I really like sushi
13. I have two birthmarks, one on the knuckle of my right thumb, the other on the right side of my waist
14. Ink - I really like a good black ink pen
15. I go to the coast at least once a year.  This year I still haven't been - working on that, but I'll get there
16. Two of my best friends are (or majored in) accountants.  The other two are therapists.  All have proved to be providential
17. I became obsessed with Canada in 6th grade  
18. I have always been keen on Africa
19. But Asia has me currently captured
20. I teach night classes at BYU in the winter
21. A world without butterflies would be not as happy
22. Although I dream of foreign places, I have a goal of soaking in domestic places of history and nature, esp. nature
23. I don't like it when I go to sleep with makeup on
24. The crazy, bizarre colors of aquatics really fascinates me - I could stare at well composed aquariums for hours
25. So if people need to realize that life should not be too conservative, go stare at a well-composed aquarium and open your mind
26. Shooting a paper target on a hay bale with a revolver is fun - and I am a very decent shot
27. I want two weeks without my phone or laptop, please
28. I appreciate quality materials.  Quality trumps quantity
29. When I was angry or frustrated as a child I would find a pencil and break it 
30. Transformers, GI Joe, Micro Machines, Bravestar, Smurfs, Atari - all a part of my childhood
31. I like to have acrylic nails, but during the growing (landscaping) season (May-November) they have proved hard to maintain
32. So in about a month or so, I'll get a set
33. I do like motorcycles - Motor Cross was a favorite Gameboy game when I was 12, that and Rolands Curse
34.  I am going to name my motorcycle butterfly and stick butterfly stickers all over my helmet
35.  Growing up, I always had a lot of guy friends, but they were all like my brothers, so...
36.  It wasn't until I was 21 when I was first kissed...and we broke the couch
37.  Because my kisses are worth a lot, I am quite particular of who gets to enjoy them :)
38.  I like White Collar and Psych (thanks Hulu) - and enjoy the West Wing...Allysha - I need to borrow the first season!
39.  I don't own a TV (thanks Hulu)
40.  Fox news mostly bugs
41.  But I do listen to the Dave Ramsy show
42. I don't buy gum that often, because I am a chain chewer - I can go through a pack in two days or less 
43. But I always have a pack when I fly
44. I have a yellow canary that I call Bird
45. My hair is thick and leans toward coarse, so in the mornings it's all bent about
46. I have never dyed or highlighted my hair
47. I have removed my own cyst, then had to go to the doctor to heal the damage, as I wasn't very neat with my self-surgery
48.  I now have a small hole in my arm due to aforementioned self-surgery
49.  I think if I had to choose between East Coast and West Coast for living - I would choose West Coast...eeehhh....I think.
50.  I like to be in organized spaces
51.  A friend asked me a several months ago what I didn't like about myself physically and character-wise:
52.  Physically I wish my acne and skin problems would finally decide to disappear - I'm almost 30 for cryin' out loud!
53.  Character wise I told her that I wished I was better at not allowing myself to feel broken, un-capable and worthless due to others words and actions - I'm working on it
54.  I heart coastlines - I want to live on or near a coast line and in the spring of 2012 I might just do that - I have a plan
55.  When I was 19 I moved to AZ for the summer and turned 14.  I had a crush on Prince William and memorized all the lyrics to all of the Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Britney Spears, and BB Mack songs while cruising the interstate with my crazy cuz
56.  That same summer I worked for Tosco - and stuck stickers on file folders ALL day ALL summer long for $9 bucks an hour
57.  My senior year I was on drumline - and was given the nickname "Strawberry Tart" by the head drummer...hmmm...
58.  I don't mind spending a lot of $ for: Hair product, skin care product and makeup
59.  I am crazy about jackets and am so excited to go jacket shopping this month!
60.  Even though I am completely enthralled with my profession, I don't want it to be all-consuming...or even mostly-consuming.  How about, just enough consuming to excel and then keep my sanity from there
61.  The only thing that gives me road rage are the RC Willey billboards between SLC and UC and back.  No wonder I don't visit home very often 
62.  My favorite feature about my face was a big freckle on my lower lip.  Then one day the dermatologist cut it off without permission. Dur. Someone find me a pencil
63.  I am definitely a victim of retail therapy
64.  My music collection has always been a frustration to me - it's a project that I am working on for 2011
65.  I used to be obsessed with odd numbers.  I now accept even ones readily
66.  If I were to add color to my hair it would be either some hue of orange or purple...maybe green
67.  I like to take naps in public spaces when I travel
68.  Dancing very silly is something I extremely enjoy, but I have to be with the right company and was just introduced to the best dance music ever
69.  I have been described as an island and aloof.  I recently bought a ticket to the mainland
70.  I wake up facing south
71.  Although I don't live my life by astrology, I find it quite interesting, insightful and sometimes uncannily correct
72.  I go to Oasis Cafe and have a grilled Brie when I am at a loss of so many things
73.  I have spent the night out on the salt flats with a wind so strong that you could practically lean into it liberally without falling over
74.  I love walking places and love to go walking downtown Sunday evenings
75.  Patio dining is so delightful, it makes me giddy and ever-so-pleasant
76.  I am afraid of living in a cage or having my wings clipped
77.  I feel badly or stupid when someone passes me on the right and try to stay conscious of driving in the proper lane
78.  Which is usually the fast lane.  I do not like something in front of me   
79.  If someone or something is in my way, I simply reposition while trying to be mindful
80.  In Junior High I used to spend hours and hours late into the night creating pencil drawings of animals
81.  I believe in using a paddle, the current and the stars to navigate through life
82.  Take the paddle away and you lose your ambition
83.  Take the current away and you lose your touch with reality
84.  Take away the stars and you lose your dreams
85.  I really like giving and getting hugs      
86.  In 6th grade I showed up to the school Christmas party with tags, bows and ribbon tied all over my body
87.  And I wore belts in my hair on occasion
88.  I used to look up at the night sky every night 
89.  Then I moved to the city and I just realized that I don't do it anymore
90.  And that makes me sad to realize.  Looking at the night sky helps keep life in perspective
91.  Bicycles equal happiness
92.  I love boardwalks 
93.  I am not much of a gamer - but I'll join in a game every once in a while
94.  Canned soup is the worst kind of soup you could ever eat
95.  I really do try to be kind, nice, sincere, fair and rational.  I don't always succeed, but I do try
96.  I am a romantic, very much so
97.  I wonder where my next road trip will lead me to.  These things you don't plan, you just do 
98.  I love driving with friends
99.  Someday I think I will be a fair cook - but singleness does not foster continuous culinary output, but rather sporadic experiments and creations that occur periodically.  But they are always tasty
100.  I think if I timed how long it takes me to get ready on average - it may tilt the scale towards...really??  Maybe not.  1-1.5 hours?  (If shower is included - is that average?)
101.  I am a lefty who throws right        


  1. This is an interesting list.
    And I love you.
    I'm glad you are my sis.
    And I like that you used Three Sisters for the title of your painting.

  2. Maybe your next road trip will lead you to Las Vegas...ha ha. I really love the list.

  3. I would like to help you change your mind on #49. But it might take extensive visiting in person to show you what I mean. So, maybe when my kids are potty trained? Or graduated from high school? Can you wait until then? I am SHOCKED about #65! When did this happen? I couldn't agree with you more on #94. I felt like I needed to take notes on what I was going to comment on by the time I reached #63. And ps- have you ever been to my mom's house? She has a real, honest to goodness, lovely black and white checkered tile in the upstairs bathroom.

  4. Stunning list. You come to the table with a very full plate. First and foremost, you are an artist. It is evident in all your moves.

  5. I love this addition to your original 101. What a wonderful soul!
