Monday, October 04, 2010

foreshadowing of a coin

While I was at Kinkakuji this spring, I was gifted a coin from a Japanese school boy.  If you are given this particular coin, it means you will return to Japan.  Since being back home it has been on my refrigerator door, suspended by a magnate which I picked up during my travels.  I looked at it everyday.

Little did I know that I would be returning so soon.

I leave in less than three weeks.


My friend Rose posted THIS on her blog, so I am stealing it and posting it on mine (thanks R).  besides being thrilled with World Order in general and purchasing their album...this video simple makes me more than happy when I watch it, giddy even.  All of the images takes me right back to Japan and I can't wait to be there!  And all the men really walk and dance around the city just like in the's should see it.  I am excited to dance with them.


  1. How absolutely wonderful! I look forward to your online diary of the adventure. Video is amazing. Japan's take on "Mad Men?" The combination of the dance movements and the business suits give it a most peculiar perspective.

  2. In Japan, all the men and the teenage boys - even the little boys, where suits! Suits, suits everywhere! All black. It's pretty awesome. Yes - I loved the dance movements combined with the suits.
