Tuesday, October 05, 2010

It's Odd, I Know.

(Dear Kara), 

It's true.  #65 is...well, yeah.  It happened just the other day, actually.  I was sitting there thinking (I do think), and I realized, "Oh my.  I don't mind even numbers.  In fact - I accept even numbers!"


Trust me, it was "even" a shock to me.

Anything even I have avoided or all together ignored for 29 years.   In school, whenever I got a textbook for a class handed to me - the first thing I did was look on the back to see what number was written in sharpie.  If it was odd I was delighted, and knew I would excel!  Even, and I was devastated.  It almost ruined the school year, or at least the subject matter which that particular book contained.  When I took my AP tests in High School - my registration code ended in an even number, and that made me feel uncomfortable.  I have always called phone companies when I getting a new number and requested one with as many odd numbers as possible.  My p.O. Box - same thing.  "May I have one that is an odd number, please?"  My alarm clock has always been set to an odd number, I can't go to sleep unless it ends with a 3, or a 7 or a 9...sometimes a 1 (rarely a 5, 5 was always considered even to me).  The only time this backfired was on the mission, because I had to wake up at 6:29 am....one more minute of sleep...PLeeease!!!!

Odd numbers have been my life.  I was born on an odd day, in an odd month, in an odd year.  That's just how it's been.  Until a week ago, when I was thinking.

It all changed like a whirlwind.  A whirlwind of numbers... swirling all around me until they swirled up, swirled down, then settled to the ground.  And as I looked around, I realized I loved them all.  All of them!  6, 23, 17, 26, 32, 103, 88, 10,784! (Okay, so I struggle with 72 and maybe some others...I still might have some residual preferences.  I'm waiting it out to see).

I don't know what's happened or rather, happening, exactly.  But this past week and a half has been a big processing week for me.  I've had lots of whirlwinds around me and inside me.  They've blown me around, knocked me down a few times - I've stumbled and tried to hold my footing.  Stay sane, Hall, stay sane.  I think I'm going through some needed inner changes to continue on with my life and this is a part of what's emerged.  A little random and completely off topic.  But then again, maybe not.  Definitely not something I would expect however, but I accept.

I am happy; I smile and laugh a lot.


  1. This was an enlightening post! Good to know how things happen. :) Happy to hear you are "shaking things up a bit."

  2. I'm in shock. Really. Who are you? Is there still room for me in this strange new world of yours?
