I started this task when I was in grade school. Again in junior high - and once again in high-school. But never finished. Shame.
Then last fall I began again, being rather determined. And instead of being derailed by Tom Bombadil, that happy man, I made it through. I went to his house, stayed for a while, and left. Thank goodness I made it out of there this time around! I left to Bree, left to Rivendell, to the Mines of Moria and to Lothlorien.
It may have taken over a year, but I made it all the way to Edoras, to Fangorn and the Dead Marshes. To the Black Gates, to Orthanc, to Minas Tirith...and into the fire.
Some wonder why it took me so long to get through the book that holds my name, that created my name. Many thought it a crime that I had not read the book. I should be thrown down - down and out. And I don't have an answer as to why I had never read it! We all have our time-tables for when we do certain things. I have been enthralled with the story and the books - with the places and the people, and have done plenty of research and whatnot. But I can say that now I truly appreciate the books more than ever. And I will read them again - and again after that! I adore my namesake.

Lothlórien is the name that was used in the later part of the Third Age. It means "dreamflower." The word loth means "blossom, flower." The element lor means "dream." Lórien is the name of one of the Valar - also known as Irmo - who was the master of dreams and visions. Lórien was also the name of the gardens where he dwelled in the Undying Lands.
Lothlorien was the home of Galadriel and Celeborn and their people, the Galadhrim. It was the only forest of mallorn-trees in Middle-earth, and thus it was known as the Golden Wood. Lothlorien was a place where time seemed to stand still, a waking dream of the ancient days of the Elves that would soon fade forever from Middle-earth.
Galadriel probably chose this name in memory of those gardens in the Undying Lands because she wanted Lothlorien to be a similar refuge of peace and beauty.
Lorien is a shortened form of Lothlórien.
Thanks for the background on the name. I will write that in lil L's journal. Saw another doctor this week . . . call me if you want another drama update. Happy New Year! (In 82 minutes, that is. However, I'm going to bed. See you in '09).