Monday, December 15, 2008


Two (2) pounds (lbs) of chocolate were left at my door some time today! And that's NOT including the weight of the box. Truffles, imported French truffles...lightly dusted in cocoa powder to make them jealously divine. I prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate any day.

Bill, my neighbor-pirate, must have heard I was oh so sad and concluded that this would cheer me up. Two pounds! I guess he figured that next to diamonds, a girl's best friend are chocolates.

I knew I liked my landlords.

But please don't expect me to eat this all on my own! Help! I am not even supposed to have any! Visitors welcome, chocolate will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.


  1. WOw! That was so nice of them! I'll help you out any day.

  2. If you save them until the last week of december I might help out too. But I'm not promising anything. And hey, try to stop being sick, okay?

  3. I'm calling you right now . . . let's see if you answer . . .

  4. you can save this Lorflor, and eat it again whenever you want it....'s quite my mouth water....

  5. Now there's a solution to sickness and heartbreak, lol. Nice of them though. And I love your new bed/bedding. :)

  6. Oh my goodness, I want to come and share with you! We got that same box last year from one of J's coworkers and they were TO DIE FOR! So fabulous!
