Thursday, January 01, 2009

Dec 30-31st.

Mantua, Utah. It's the home town of my Grandmother, Diane, who passed away last fall. There's usually a car load of people who venture up here during the Christmas break to enjoy sledding, ice-skating, sleeping, just general playing in the snow. A handful of us spent the last days of December in this quaint winter setting.

Sledding was the order of the first day. I think I have monkey arms here. (Am I even moving?)

More monkey arms.

The first location we went sledding was a bit...s..l...o....wwwwwwwww. We didn't have a high enough of a percentage when you're talking about inclines! After all, I am pretty sure there are no ADA requirements when sledding. The second location was a bit more promising...still not fast enough however. Next year maybe. Monkey arms.

So let's discuss the fashion of the day. KK - thanks SO much for leaving the too small purple snow pants. Now all I need are some sweet pink and turquoise moon boots. I was the last one out in the snow due to an email I had to get out for work...and they were the only thing left. Note to self: buy real ski pants. Other note to self: take up a winter sport to utilize ski pants: skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing, lumber jacking...

I think Duke could be a very good snow boarder. Indeed. This Christmas he got his first - pre-real snowboard, and fairs quite nicely. He'll be a pro one day if he wants to.

And dad - well - he could be a pro sledder.

Nat - love the hat/jacket combo. She'll come lumber jacking with me!

And lil' G - don't you just want to follow him around?

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