Saturday, August 02, 2008


So this mid-morning I walked the Farmers Market at Pioneer Park, SLC.

And since I am a fan of the word "wild" at this particular time - I will say it was wildly fantastic. Definitely something that could become a weekly ritual for this individual.

I loved the movement, I loved the diversity, I loved the vegetables and fruit being sold, I loved the live music, and wish I had had some George Washington's in my pocket to drop into the guitar cases of all of those hopeful musicians.

I loved talking to people I had never talked to before, as if we were next door neighbors. I loved that there was one event at one place that brought hundreds of walks of life together for a moment in time. People were enjoying themselves, including myself.

On the way back to my car I met a man on the street from Alberta, Canada - he was looking for the Farmers Market...1 block up and 1 block's great, you're going to love it! As we parted he muttered a question. "What was that?" - He hesitated just a moment and after the 3rd time I finally heard him clearly..."do they have weed over there?" "That, I don't know."

Next week I am going to hula hoop.


I had parked on Rio Grande - adjacent to the shelter and didn't realize it until I had gotten out of my car and was walking, walking...I passed a group of people who had found refuge on the sidewalk, against a brick building. They were avoiding the hot summer sun. They asked me if I would like to share some shade. Thank you.

I was walking towards the Gateway to peruse the windows and racks, but as I had looked into the eyes of those people without a bed, without a home, it derailed any shopping that I might have done (minus my cat book). I have plenty right now - I should be satisfied with what I have, which could be too much?

The world (and I do not exclude myself) seems to be so absorbed by "lifestyle" and spending time, effort, and money creating and building their lifestyle. I will think about this idea further - there definitely is something great about creating a life - and creating a living space that is pleasing and a delight to experience. I do think that we were meant to create and improve upon our conditions and situations. Yes. But there's some point where it needs to take a back seat...what's our focus? What's our motive? What's our drive in life.....what about all those that surround us that are our brothers and suffering? Yeah, I will think about this idea further before continuing...I need time to process...after seeing those people today, I need some time to process.

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