Sunday, August 10, 2008


A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket

A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials


After watching the opening ceremonies for the 2008 Summer Olympics, my interest in China has heightened. Growing up, Asia never was a place that captured my heart completely. I was always stuck in Africa and Europe. But after a bit of exposure to the culture and countryside, this part of the world definitely has something to offer.

I thought back to last January, when my inquiries into Asia started to grow as I befriended some people from China and Thailand. I also had met a lady back in January who had studied garden design in Japan and just hearing her talk about the teaching methods got me thinking twice about this culture, and twice about gardens and their purpose.

I remember studying Japanese and Chinese art as an eight-grader and producing some of my own, black and white paintings of bamboo, birds, fish, and landscapes that were defined by dramatic limestone formations rising out of rivers and lakes. The strokes were so simple, and yet, created vibrant life. I remember how excited I was at my first, real bamboo paint brush - I cared for that thing like it was a precious jewel. I wonder if I still have it?

Then I am taken back to my violin days when the Suzuki series was like a bible - almost every time I practiced I opened one of those books, looked at the notes in front front of me, and went for it. I always felt so accomplished if I could get through a piece in tune, including all the technicalities and artistries that comes with violin playing, and Suzuki no less. I never was a soloist, but on some days, as I stood in the living room, there were hundreds of people there listening to me play - I always played better on those days.

Yes, I am excited for the Olympics...

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