Saturday, March 01, 2008

I Cordran Taped My Face

In 1999 I went to see the doctor because I had a cyst on my arm. Well, I really didn't go see him because of the cyst, I had already removed it myself. But I was left with a really ugly gash as a result of self-surgery and needed to know what to do.

The doctor, while shaking his head, gave me a prescription for Cordran Tape. A tape that I was to apply twice a day across the infected area. It healed my wound and now I am left with a little hole as a souvenir. :)

In high school I didn't have too many problems with acne, I figured I was just a lucky girl who got to bypass that phase...yeah right. On my mission it got so bad that my president didn't want me leaving my apartment! Ha! Yeah right again.

Well, it hasn't completely cleared up and I continue to have problems and I have been trying to find solutions to heal my scars and resurfacing annoyances. Many avenues have been taken and none have seemed to really help. So in an effort to heal my skin, last night I Cordran Taped my face. Has the prescription expired? Yeah – back in 2001. (I figured it was low-risk, since it wouldn't be as potent) Do I know what Cordan Tape really does anyway? No. Am I afraid that I might not wake up in the morning? Oh the things we do – it all seems really vain, doesn't it.

I once had a roommate that took a pumice stone to her face in order to 'slough off' her acne problems. Ouch. I don't think it helped.

So this morning when I woke up and removed all of this tape from my face – I decided I could easily land a part on Star Trek and play the role of one of those psycho-looking people from another solar system. You know, the kind that always freaks you out a little with the crinkles in their eerily lucent-white skin.

And tonight I have to speak in front of – at least a couple hundred people. LOL.


  1. Lorien. You are great. I love you. Don't let your face disappear, please.

  2. I heard you speak tonight and I couldn't see any crinkles - your skin did look slightly pale however. And by the way, your talk was great.
