Did I know what I was doing when I filled it out? NO. Have I followed any of the teams? NO. I just went by their rankings, threw in a few upsets here and there, and declared UCLA the winner. Have I watched any of the games since it has started? NO. I have updated my bracket, keeping track of points and whatnot. Maybe I'll win something, although I am doing horribly in the West, or maybe it was the Mid-West...both?
You know, I used to be obsessed with this time of year. While attending Ricks College, I was fully consumed by this madness. Our apartment was ridiculously decked out. We made a bracket that covered the ENTIRE wall. We played, "Do ya wanna dance" by the Beach Boys over and over...and over. We would leave in the middle of class to get the latest scores, and answer the phone with the latest developments. The list goes on. We beat out any guys apartment in all of Rexburg, I declare. It was hot. We even made posters for our favorite ESPN Sports Center guys and gals. (We sent them a letter with pictures of us holding their posters in front of the monster bracket, requesting pencils and microphones that they had used...we got our picture back in the mail...with Dan Patricks autograph).
But since then, my obsession has waned to a bystanders interest. I like basketball fine. I appreciate basketball. (College MUCH more than pro) The madness has just simmered (way) down for me and I am okay with that. (Sorry SJBG!)
I had a great work session this morning. But as you can see...It's a good thing I don't play for UCLA, or any other NCAA team for that matter.
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