Thursday, May 13, 2010


First morning in Kyoto.  About to head out to find out what's for breakfast.  Yesterday I had some rice mush stuff with shrimp for breakfast.  Many of my siblings wouldn't survive here.  I love it.

Arriving to Kyoto from Tokyo wasn't too bad.  The train wasn't crowded and there were a few people here and there that pointed me in the right direction.  Narita Express from Narita Station - then one stop after Tokyo Station get off - move to new area of train station and catch the 299 to Kyoto.  Two trains - two passes plus a Suica pass...and I arrived just fine!  And very hungry and incredibly tired.

My hotel is right across from Kyoto station, so arriving at the train station at 10pm wasn't so bad as all I had to do was cross the street to reach my bed...and heated toilet.  Yes - the toilet is heated.  I think potty training would become a whole other story for toddlers if the this were the regular case in the States.  We all should have heated toilets.

Some other neat items about this Hotel - there are slippers in the room with a robe - all Japanese style of course.  The tub is very deep, which was divine.  I already mentioned the heated toilet.  Very simple bedding, no flat sheet.  VERY firm mattress.  They give you a packet when you arrive with body scrub, moisture fase mask, a hair tie, a loofah....that is what's in the ladies bag anyways.  They make you feel really great about being really tired as you look forward to some salt scrub and face mask...

Everything seems a bit smaller here from general housing I have seen to cars to tubs....

After settling in I headed out just after 11 to find food.  Plenty of nearby places to grab a bite to eat.  My dish had a raw egg right in the middle of it. 

Although My Japanese is really nothing worth noting, I have found that I have definitely switched to foreign language mode because I keep thinking and wanting to respond to everyone in Portuguese and I keep spelling simple words wrong - like hear for here - their for there...etc.  The Rosetta Stone program did a better job than I realize.  It's too bad the past three weeks I couldn't focus on it because of work deadlines.  It's fun hearing people talk and recognizing words or phrases - or recognizing the Hiragana and Katakana in the streets.  Although I still can't read it!  Kip - you would absolutely love it here....I hope you and ZPQ make it here soon.  Save your pennies - it's expensive.

The people here are so gracious, kind, happy and really beautiful. 

Today I'll go visit some nearby temples and gardens on my own.  Sometime this afternoon I'll catch a local train to...somewhere.  I have it written down.  It's not too far a way at all.  Later tonight I'll meet up with Professor Hsu and his group.  I don't know what my internet access will be after this.  I brought my phone with me but have yet to find a place with free WiFi....

Well - I had better find some food out there...take advantage of every minute I have here.  They allow smoking in the hotel lobby, etc.  Not very pleasant.


  1. Sounds wonderful (although I may be a sibling who qualifies as one who may not like the food....!)

    Enjoy the experience! I'm glad you got to post a little something.

  2. What an adventure! So do people look at you in a strange way: " There's an Americano!"? (Yes, I am reverting to my catch-all foreign language as well.) And just how expensive is the food?
