Wednesday, February 13, 2008

p-12<-1; Solve the inequality and graph it's solution.

You know, if I didn't have an 8th graders math book in front of me I wouldn't really know how to solve the above equation. I am not a mathematician, in fact I spent all of my algebra II days with my head resting ever so softly on my front row desk...everday for a whole year (okay - so maybe I made it through one class with my head up and eyes open). I never got it, it never clicked. And it's not just because I slept through all of the lessons either!

Gandalf just died in the other room...I love the music of that moment, and the echo of the arrows as they deflect off the walls of Moria. You know, that was the first (and currently last) movie I watched alone in theaters and I was enthralled. I have never reacted so openly to a film in public - I laughed, I cried, I marveled, I gasped, and when the ending credits were rolling I wasn't ready to leave. Yes, I do believe that Fellowship is my favorite of the three...

All I ever wanted was a twin, so that I could have someone by my side while I tried to figure out this math thing. Numbers, numbers, numbers! And when they started throwing in letters, (?!?) oh man. I have a sister who's best subject is not math, she takes after me I suppose. I watch her; frustrated, confused and miffed. She wants a twin (I am sure), someone to sit by her while she solves the equation. She can do it - it's just the figuring it out in the beginning part that got me, and that's what gets her. She just needs someone to sit next to her. So, one blog and 2 hours later, she did it - finished her assignment! I think from here until May I am going to get really good at 8th grade math.

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