Wednesday, February 06, 2008

France for a Morning

This is where I ate breakfast this morning. A lovely French morning. I ordered an omelet, a side of cottage cheese, and a grapefruit. I like to go places, experience and explore the world around me! Even if it is all while residing in Orem, Utah (today that's the best I can do). Nothing beats the real deal, but sometimes, especially these times, when the dollar is doing so poorly against the euro, you have to conjure up a little imagination. It still made for a pleasant morning.

It all started with the accordion, playing 'La Poupée' (I do not know what that means).

Upon waking up, I opened my computer from it's sleepy state, and in an effort to wake me from my sleepy state, it started playing music - just randomly... and accordion at that! I don't have any accordion music! Ha!
My i-tunes store was open, and for some odd, odd reason - it had somehow selected some soundtrack full of French music, and 'La Poupée' is the piece that it choose to play. Now, accordion at 6:3something would normally be considered...possibly...annoying. But I frankly was delighted, and charmed. (I even purchased the song) It took me out of Utah and put me in France, France for a morning.

La vie en rose...

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