Wednesday, February 20, 2008

5 years ago to the day

It was five years ago to the day that I entered the MTC in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Five years sometimes seems like a long time ago...and other times, just right around the corner of the past. Missions are funny things, in an interesting way, and in a good way. What a life! Those sometimes long, and yet so short, 18+ months taught me an incredible amount about life and reality; and opened my eyes, ears, mind and mouth. It's sometimes hard to put into words the experience of a mission and right now is one of those times. Very hard, overwhelmingly rewarding, absolutely draining, bursts of energy, reoccurring blisters, ample tears (of joy and sadness), big smiles, hearty laughter, never-ending work, eternal love...sigh with a smile. I still try to keep up with my friends from Recife, they keep my soul grounded. And it has been a great blessing to watch them continue to progress and grow, and I continue to do so through them. So here's to some memories!

At the airport with the family

Typical street scene in Pau Amarelo, and yes - he is carrying a rather large pile of cardboard, etc. on his head.....

Coconut water...great beverage on a hot day


My MTC district - 8A - Love you guys!! We went into the field together

My dear, dear Familia de Santana

Melo and I on a P-day, lunch hour

Home - 2nd area

Gardner, we cruised

A short cut

Another short cut - if only there really was a train!

A dear sister, Iracema

My boys + Jackie

Tired shoes, and yes I was still using them

Our way in and out for a bit

Lunch with a recent! was played anywhere and everywhere!

In Brazil you can never go wrong with a thumbs-up, it's just what you do! J&C - my Brazilian grandparents

Last lunch - S. Johnson and I with the Penhas, good friends of my father

My first visit back and two of my favorites

1 comment:

  1. I love all those feet! I think I even know who they belong too.
