Monday, November 01, 2010


The first day of the seminar we had a lecture by Ken Kawai on pathways.  I learned more than I had hoped, and gained understanding in areas in which I was not expecting. 

In Japanese pathway is Michi, derived from the two characters Mi, meaning sacred or beautiful, and Chi, meaning direction.

Pathways; a beautiful and sacred direction.

The many paths in Kyoto were purposely created to lead one from a secular space to a sacred space. 

I find all of the above very interesting, like the depth of layers in parable.  And I am not going to go off and share my thoughts and ideas about this just yet.  Maybe in a month or two I shall.  One thing I have learned during the past week is that one should let others have time to develop their own thoughts and creations about ideas before you share your own.  It makes for a more even/equal and well-rounded conversation afterwards.


  1. I love the Japanese meaning of pathways! I see again, you are having too much fun in life. Oh well, life's not fair, as they say. Maybe you should rename your blog "pathways." Somehow "wheaties" never conjures up anything Lorienesque for me.

  2. I like the thought of giving things time to soak. Even for ourselves. our first reactions are very valuable, but so are those that are tempered by time and reflection. Somehow the richness becomes thinner if we express things too quickly.

  3. Yes soaking is definitely in your paternal genes - all kinds. Like Japanese baths.

  4. w

    Any Girl said...
    I've been thinking a lot about garden pathways myself the last few weeks as I"ve been designing that garden in my head. Love that bit of thought you offered, leading from the secular to the sacred. It will be great to hear your full thoughts when time allows(: I have also been thinking a lot about listening to the garden. I've cleared away my garden patio mentally and began listening. I realized I've had the same thought occur to me several times during the year, but never had the courage to follow it. I'll tell you about it when you get home. i'm excited.

    P.S. Along Sybil's line I was thinking Wabi Sabi would be a cool blog line. Random thought.
