Thursday, November 11, 2010

Heian Family Descedant

He's a descendant of the family of the Heian Shrine, the largest Shrine in Kyoto.  Each year he attends a festival where he dresses in traditional clothing and participates in the ceremony. 

"A gift for you," he nods.

A white paper parcel with some Japanese writing on it is handed to me. 

He explains that inside are two tickets to the Heian Shrine gardens, and two sets of chopsticks.  They are tapered at both ends.

The chopsticks are special, to be used at the New Year. 

His English is understandable.  "On New Years with these chopsticks.  One side [he pauses and points to one end] you eat with, the other side...the other side [he pauses again] is for God."

"You eat with God."

And he nods again.


I am liking this country more and more.