Monday, November 02, 2009


Remember Mr. Happy?  Some fella names Hargreaves invented him.  And he has a lot of friends.

I am a bit frustrated this evening - a little down.... a bit put out.  Mr. Happy is not someone I would want to be hanging out with right now.  I am pretty sure I would be annoyed.  Super.  Annoyed.  I am in a don't-be-too-happy-or-I'll-punch-you-out mood.  It's not my normal state of being, I think.  I hope!  But tonight I could use a punching bag.  (Not that I would really punch someone just because they are happy - but I think you understand).

So I checked out his friends to see who would I like to hang out with right now considering my current mood:

Nope - don't touch me.

Don't need cheeky - I would be bugged.

Yeah right - like I need someone grumbling in my ear.

Don't need someone asking me a lot of personal or even non-personal question either.

Heck no.


I am not making any friends here, am I?

Mr. Greedy, Mr. Sneeze, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Chatterbox, Mr. Muddle, Mr. Worry, Mr. Slow, Mr. Busy...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no....

How about a simple Mr. Be.

A Mr. I'll-sit-on-the-couch-while-you-do.  A Mr. you-can-talk-if-you-want-to-but-you-don't-have-to; you-can-just-sit and type on your computer, edit photos or read a book and I'll just be close by if you need me.  A Mr. sit-close-by-me-while-I watch TV, read or surf the net - or while we peruse through a magazine together.  A Mr. it's-a-simple-quite-night at home and that's okay.  A simple life is okay.  A home life is okay.  In fact - a simple home life is great.  And you know what?  That - that would make me Happy.

I feel a little better now.  Thank you.

But just a little...



So after publishing this last post - I opened my YouTube tab and this video was running across the screen.  Curious as I was, I played it.  Are you serious??!!  LOLOLOL.  NO WAY!  I was wishing that Rose and Kara were here to laugh their heads off with me (I don't know why I thought of you two - but I did).  Wow - what dancing, what glasses, what clothes!  What a voice to that face! What a video!  Serious???!!!  I must say - it think it did the trick, it was so ridiculous and hilarious.  I can now maybe, just maybe spend some time with Mr. Happy.


1 comment:

  1. Yes indeed that cheered me up as well! I'm practicing my shoulder rolls as I speak (type). I'm thinking that video may have been the initial inspiration for Bonnie Tyler's video Total Eclipse of the Heart--though she took it several levels higher. I am sure you have seen it, But if you haven't, don't let another day pass!
