Sunday, November 22, 2009

First Snow

We are blanketed in a descent of snow this evening.

The first lovely, beautiful snowfall of the year for the valley.  And although it signals Winter is here, which I have in the past months, been resisting in my heart, I now welcome it fully.  It's a comfort to see the snow gracing the rooftops in feather bed fashion.  Each tree is outlined so delicately and precisely, and sugarplum fairies are lighting the street lamps to remind us that in the dark there is still light to see by and dreams to live by.

I am mostly done with my work until I don't know when.  That is mainly why I was not welcoming towards Winter ... not knowing what will come next or when; and if I will survive the cold months ahead.  The unpredictable future.  Hard times are among many of us.  But I am not afraid to live very frugally.  I am fine with not buying the new clothes I would love to have this season that would fit me better, or be more fashionable than what I currently own.  I don't mind not eating all of the wonderful foods that surround me at various restaurants that I sometimes crave.  And I don't mind having to do without all the furnishings I would like to have in my new place I am moving to shortly.

I welcome the simple life.  The frugal life.  And a very simple life it will be - and that's okay.

I think of Thanksgiving and what that word really means.  To be so thankful for what I DO have is such a blessing and deters the selfish or worldly desires that rise inside myself.  And when I do feel that gratitude in my heart - then I don't mind about status or style or what sometimes seems so important in defining me.  But I don't want my "stuff" to define me.  I want to be defined by my character - by my attitude and by how I treat others.  Not by what I own.

I will be thinking a lot about priorities this Winter.  What really makes me truly happy.  What matters most to me in life and what am I doing or how am I living to show that I really live by my priorities.  I want an integritous Winter.

What will I do each day?  Ha!  I do not know!  I have a wide open slate, but I feel the possibilities swaying back and forth around me and they are exciting.  I will be adventuring for sure - not to geographical places however.  I will be adventuring in books, with paints, in walks, wanderings and words; in enjoying the simplicities of life found in friendships, conversations, people and nature.  I will laugh a lot this winter.  A whole lot.  I will learn a lot.  I will focus on people and those around me and how I can strengthen my bonds with those I love.  I will think of creative ways to accomplish beauty and goodness.  I will shop at DI and improve upon my finds in interesting ways.  I will further learn and appreciate what life is really about and what is most important.

Yes, it will be a good Winter.  I have hope.  



  1. Thoreau, among other notables, would be proud of such a winter.

  2. Sometimes I feel as if I have spun into the edges of myself, crashing into places I don't want to be in the first place. Simplicity, gratitude, focus, enjoyment, and the "what really matters" tend to be elements that center. Sounds like a good winter!

  3. I covet your winter. Is that bad?

  4. Lorien,

    I love it when you are contemplative and expressive all at the same time. It makes for wonderful reading.
