Thursday, November 19, 2009

Two Candles

In a dark room sits a young girl in an old wooden chair. Rain has been falling outside, leaving the world damp and cold - she sits motionless.  Two white candles lay on the small table next to her; "Humility" engraven in one, "Forgiveness" on the other.  Her gaze is fixed upon nothing but her own thoughts of what has passed.  Reaching into the dark, her hand rests upon the two candles as they roll slightly under the pressure of her palm.  She picks up the candle with "Humility" engraven into the wax and holds it in two hands, bringing it close to her chest.  A feeling in her bosom kindles and she feels the writing on the candle seep deeply into her soul.  By the desire of her heart the candle is lit.  The flame flickers softly in the dark, lighting the small corner of the room and hinting at the features of her fair face and auburn hair.

The girl sees a man sitting across the room in a chair similar to hers.  Dark hair adorns the crown of his head and face.  His bronze eyes are soft.  He sees her lit candle and the humility she is seeking to keep close to her.  He watches.

She contemplates over her flame, her single, solitary flame of humility.  Her eyes glance over to the candle that rests on the table - wick still white, dusted in wax.  She picks up the candle and while still holding hers upright, carries it to the man across the room.  She holds it out for him to take. 

He sits. 

She waits. 

He looks up at her, and she sees a kindness and a gentleness in his expression.  A deep longing as well.  She motions for him to take the candle.  "Please" is in her eyes. 

She stands still as he sits - no movement of his hands he makes.

With Humility she waits for him to accept the candle, to Forgive her.  If he would take the candle and hold it to his bosom so as to feel and desire the sincere forgiveness that is being asked for, this candle would also ignite and the dark corner in this part of the world would be filled with light and peace; Humility and Forgiveness.  The girl yearns for the man to accept the lit-less candle she holds out to him.

Watery eyes are reflected by the single flame.  She waits.


A while back Ro Ro Riot asked if I had any poetry.  I do.  A very little.  I haven't sent any to her yet - but I am posting this short story for her - not necessarily inspired by her and I am not implying she needs this story either!  I am just saying that she asked about my writing and this is something I wrote.  That's all.

I don't spend a professional amount of time editing stuff I write.  There are a lot of holes in this piece and I am sure I could find them and sew them up if I wanted to take the time.  But I am not out to impress the masses as of yet.  Just to simply write.  It's a stress release and a method of rumination for me.


My ideas that I write out are sometimes cultivated from real-life experiences, and some are not.  So don't take all of my writings too seriously or too literally - although some hit closer to home than others.  Which ones are which you'll just never know!  If you imagine Anne reciting Two Candles from the stage of the White Sands Hotel - I am sure you will finish the story with a broad Gilbert-smile rather than a curious sadness/wonder or whatever other emotion was evoked.  I laughed when I saw the mental picture (though I think my story not dramatic enough for that carrot-head) - just like when I wrote the melancholic pancake fantasy...I was laughing so hard I was crying the whole time I was writing it.  Just ask Jenn.  She was there.  Although that story should have been taken very literally and very seriously; I meant it in the most sincere fashion possible.

I was also laughing to (or rather AT) myself when I got a speeding ticket yesterday.

Dar n.

Oh the foolish things we do.

Anyways - metaphorically we each have candles of attributes like humility, forgiveness, kindness, sincerity, honesty, charity, goodness, etc - and whether we let that flame flicker is determined by the desires of our heart.  The more we seek these attributes - and I am going to say "Christ-like attributes" because He is the Light of the world - the brighter our lives are and then we are able to share our light with others and hopefully make their lives brighter as well.


  1. Thanks for sharing...that was really great to read.

  2. Some very fine things here - interesting to see where it would go with some reworking.

  3. Lorien, you are a pearl (of great price?)

  4. I came across your blog a few months ago via Hope All Things and have been reading your posts every now and then...I hope that's quite alright! I read this entry a bit after it was posted and loved it! Thanks for sharing this!
