Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Back in SLC.  Flew in a few hours ago.  Am I happy to be back?


Why?  Why would I want to leave the coast, the green, the ferns, the lush, the gardens and the adventures of what Portland is?  (keep Portland weird!)


Well, I must say that I am not done with Portland yet.  There are things I still want to see that I did not.  Experiences that I want to have that I did not.  So Portland 2010 or 2011 is a "we are go!" 

But I am happy to be back to my responsibilities here in Utah.  There is plenty going on, plenty that I am looking forward to and lots of adventures to be had right here.  Plus, I hear the sound of rain (which is actually the leaves).  So I can't miss Portland that bad.  Not yet anyways.

But if you are writing a report for "Why Portland, Oregon is cool," you can use this picture below - just save it to your desktop.  "Portland is cool because on the street they have tables set up with real live flowers in vases."  Now you can eat your .99 taco with real style and class.  Doesn't that just make you smile? 

"Portland is cool because ferns grow on the trees downtown."

That works too.  I am sure you'll get an A.

1 comment:

  1. Portland (or Oregon) was my pick for a place to live way back in the day. When Russel was finishing up his PhD and going on the job market, I told him that Oregon was top on my list.
