Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chicago Day 7: Sunday

A week ago I was at Notre Dame.  Spent the day walking campus with my friend, Clayton, who is a graduate student in the architecture program and was happy to show me around.

The Grotto: Sunday worshippers

It was a  wonderful walk around the lake, which was taken twice.
Once in each direction. 
It was an awesome moment to be at the lakeside on this Sunday afternoon and somewhere in the distance, from campus, "Amazing Grace" started to sound on the bagpipes.  We stood still and listened to two versus before continuing on.  I love the bagpipes.  And even more so when they randomly appear in my life.  Unexpected happiness.

It was fun noticing all the detail on the buildings
and deciphering what it all meant.

 I like the contrasting fall colors in this photograph - a range of varieties.  But was adds even more depth into this captured moment is the patinaed Christ facing the golden dome, which has Mary on top -
those two colors displayed in religiously-minded man-made ways coupled with the glory of nature was a fun sight to see.

This campus was packed just the day before as one of the biggest games went down Saturday.  And no - I didn't attend.  I don't even remember who their opponent was - or who won - appalling, isn't it.  Or maybe not.

  Stand looking at the stadium.  Then turn around 180 degrees, and you behold...

Touchdown Jesus!

I prefer viewing the building in the reflection of the water feature that sits at the base of the building.

I also saw First Down Moses - but didn't realize that's what it was until I was back in Utah.

The Fall

  And because of the fall of man came Jesus Christ, even the Father and the Son; and because of Jesus Christ came the redemption of man.
Mormon 9:12


  1. First down Moses? I have never heard of him. That's so funny!

    Love the scripture...
