Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chicago Day 3: Wednesday I

Wednesday morning we were up and off - to the Farnsworth House.  It was wet and a bit rainy, but overall, quite pleasant.

Once the tour guide found out that we were into landscapes as well as architecture, she led us on a more scenic route to the house.  Think of what we could have missed!

Coming around the corner; hints of the house.

But before I let you see too much of the house, here is some of the landscape that surrounds it.

I didn't realize I never took a FULL shot of the front, which is a bit disappointing.

Understanding how it's put together interests and excites me.

View of the back.

Leaving the property.

I could give you oodles of information and fun facts about this house, but I digress at this moment in time.  My apologies.  Maybe I shall return in the near future and edit this post - so that it is a full representation of my knowledge and feelings towards this structure.

I did adore it.


  1. Ummm.... interesting house... not quite my style. I loved the landscape though! But, I think it deserves some grand beautiful house with big windows! Not something that in my mind resembles a shack! Ha ha ha, sorry to those who love those kinds of houses! It just isn't AT ALL my style :) Is that really a house?

  2. Fun facts! Fun facts! Fun facts! The crowd is demanding them! Beautiful pictures by the way.
