Sunday, October 05, 2008

General Conference Weekend.

So this weekend I have had the privilege of hanging with Jenn J. One of my favs. I picked her up at the airport Friday afternoon - we spent the evening loitering around Salt Lake City...listening to bagpipes, eating great soup, and splurging on illegal GMF (Georgia Mud Fudge; I say illegal because I am not supposed to have sugar...I paid for it come morning)

We spent the night in SLC - and woke up to rain. Wonderful rain. We attended the afternoon session of GC at the conference center then made our way to Orem where we spent the evening with the ladies of the family while all the men were at Priesthood.

Jenn's excited!

I loved the plethora of umbrellas that spotted the landscape outside the conference center. So colorful!

Today has been pretty low-key. The morning session was great - looking forward to the afternoon.

Today's lunch. Jenn was the brains, I was the brawn. It was marvelous.


  1. You look so Londoner or quaint or stylin (I can't decide which) with that red umbrella of yours. It's fabulous.
