Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Phase 1

Phase 1 is done. Concepts A, B and C are ready for Client review. I spent the good portion of the day on site, just becoming more familiar with the feel and the dynamics of the terrain. I walk the site - down the hill to the thicket of maples and firs. I feel the needles. I pull one off and roll it back and forth between my finger and my thumb. The land needs to get used to me if it going to speak to me - and tell me of it's desires. One must be patient. Listen. Watch. Feel. Let yourself become apart of the rocks, the soils, the sage. As it starts to speak it's in almost inaudible tones...like a cello starting low and deep with long pulls of the bow. Then it becomes richer, more vibrant...sometimes I can hear it sing.


  1. Lorien you have a way with words and to make things come to live. I am sure the land will speak to you and you'll make it beautiful!

  2. hi, lorflor, i'm here again... but i don't understand the picture... what is that?

  3. Hi Grace. The picture is a photograph of my preliminary landscape plans - my drawings. There are three of them and they are laid over one another.
