Saturday, October 18, 2008

aN ouTiNG

Want to go to...

the Zoo?

I had my day booked out - organizing, cleaning, errands, and getting ready to move. Dropped it all...


The girls watching the zebras -

Love their jackets.

Along for the ride, she was very good.

The gang!

The carousel was a must

I bought the girls cotton candy while they where riding on the carousel.

Excited for that first taste!
Cotton candy has a magical quality to it - doesn't it?

She wasn't so sure about this cotton candy business...I don't think she's ever had it!


Not gonna eat it. Camera shy.

This kid, on the other hand, is NOT camera shy...every time I scooted back to get a better shot, he scooted forward until his face was right up to the lens - it was hilarious!

"Lemme see that."


You're a goof!

He was mostly fascinated by the fire hydrant as we were on our way out...then I remembered how much I loved climbing fire hydrants when I was young.

Oh yes - I did go...see!


  1. hi (*^__^*) ……This is my blogger, welcome ~!

  2. hi, i love the pictures. where is this zoo?

  3. you were in zoo lorflor?
    your children is really nice and cute ^_^

  4. Hey niar - no, these aren't my children! But they are my nieces and sisters children!

  5. Thank you for these pictures!! I loved seeing A's kids! It was fun to see some definite Hall characteristics in the mix!
