Friday, December 11, 2009

The Decor

This year instead of getting a tree, I am not getting a tree.


There is a small fake one in my garage in a box from who knows - but I would rather NOT have a tree than have a fake one. 
I don't think that's picky.

So I strung all my ornaments out on a line.  Several lines.

Don't mind the little pieces of scotch tape keeping them in their place.  I haven't trimmed them all off yet.

What I need now are clear ornament hangers instead of the little metal kind.  Then they would really look surreal.


  1. thanks Kristin! i have ideas to perfect it - but that will wait until next year!

  2. You can experiment at my house.... ;-)

  3. Wow! Call HGTV or BH&G! or Val--Cooleroni!

  4. Gorgeous! I have dreams about decorating future homes with thousands of hanging/floating things. Your pictures made me feel all giddy.

  5. I am so proud of you for rejecting a fake tree.

  6. Festive! Ethereal! Wonderful!

  7. Beautiful. Who needs a tree when you've got those bulbs.

  8. They just look levitated up there! You must have a magical genie living in your place. It reminds me of bubbles, fairies, elves, etc.
