Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

I am sure the shepherds had it - after all, they were up all night and generally live exposed to the elements.

Joseph must have been exhausted by the long journey to Jerusalem, so his immune system must have been down.  I am sure he had it too.

The wise men, even with all their spices and wisdom probably couldn't keep from catching it.

And Mary - goodness....she must have had it the worst.  So tired and worn out!


I have had a ragged cough that has been journeying with me the last few weeks - this morning it decided to take it to the next level.  You know, step it up a notch.  More sore of a throat, body a bit warmer than usual, fatigue...  Bleck. 

I just wanted to fit in with the Christmas story!

Tomorrow I am knocking it off it's podium.  Christmas will be over after all.


  1. yuck, Lorien. I am trying to avoid it. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Mine left over a week ago, but I feel it flaring up...which means no more sugar, and lots of sleep!
