Thursday, November 06, 2008

Lunch Hour

My eyes meandered quickly through the various small rooms as I walked down the hall. Seating was becoming scarce as it was shortly after 12:30. I walked down the hall to the last room, hoping for an open table.

He was alone at a small table for two. "Mind if I have a seat?"

"No, not at all."

I sat down and looked at the man sitting across from me. "Are you from Salt Lake?"

He looked up from his food, "Yes, I am. You?"

"No, but I am moving here soon."

He had pleasant blue eyes that contrasted well against his white hair and beard.

We exchanged smiles.

Quiche and steamed onions adorned my plate while vegetarian meatloaf adorned his. "You would never know this didn't have any meat in it!" He stated as he motioned with his fork toward his dish.

"I'll have to try some. So, have you lived here all your life?"

"Most of it, I was born here, went to school here."

"Do you have family around?"

"No...I don't have a lot of family..." His voice trailed. "A sister and a brother, one in California, one in Colorado."


"And you? How many brothers and sisters do you have?"


He laughed. We both laughed.

"And what brings you to Salt Lake?"

"Work - I'm a landscape designer."

"Do you have a card? I would like one."

I pulled out a card and handed it to him. He examined it.


"Yes - you are one of the few people who pronounced my name correctly after the first time reading it!"

"Well, I did hesitate there for a moment."

The onions were sweet, sweet to taste and sweet to smell. A good choice.

"So, what do you do during the day?"

"I'm a lawyer...well - a judge, a federal judge." He looked like he could be a judge.

"Do you like to travel, I mean, have you traveled a lot?"

"Oh yes, both. I travel for cases, up to Alaska and other places for weeks at a time. I enjoy it."

"Do you ever lose sleep over your cases?"

"Sometimes, yes...have you eaten here before?"

"I have, I love it here. Found out about it over two years ago. Great place." The quiche had some green olives which made for some salty spots, but was still rather agreeable.

"Do you like to read?"

"Oh I read - but not for pleasure. Not as much as I should. I read a lot for my work. A lot of legal documents. And I read the newspaper." He smiled.

And so we chatted our way through the lunch hour - enjoying our food and each others company. He said he would "save my seat" for me while I went back to get some of the vegetarian meatloaf - he ate slowly and stayed at the table until I was finished so he could walk out with me. He was very much a gentleman.

"Well, it was nice to meet you. I am sure I will see you around again."

"Yes, I am sure you will."


  1. Okay, I know this is weird, but please tell me where you were, because I have this place in mind that I imagined where you were...I hope I'm right!

  2. And for the record, I don't like you comment moderation...I like to immediately read whatever weak thought comes out of my head.

  3. I removed the comment moderator just for you karagal! It is rather annoying...and I was getting so much junk comments, but I think they have subsided...we shall see! No more comment moderator!!!

  4. Yea! And no, it isn't the place that I was thinking. It sounds delicious though. When are we going? Seriously, let's stop pretending like we are going to make plans over blogging and actually do it! And fyi - the word verification for this comment was "manti." And don't mind me if your spammers come back - it's your blog - you make the rules. :)
