Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Wednesday morning - Natalie and I were getting ready for the day. We had decided to stay in Oregon after the wedding ceremony to see some gardens and the coast. Get inspired!

It was about 9:40 am - and who else calls but Jenn(Who had just married the day before). "Have you two left Portland yet?" "No." "Wanna hang out with Jose and I?" "Sure!"

So Natalie and I spent the remainder of the day with Jenn and Jose, until we dropped them off at the airport at 11 pm. Never mind that they were on their honeymoon. Bonding time - says Jenn. Okay!

We had a blast and spent a good portion of our time in the Japanese Gardens at Washington Park. Absolutely AMAZING!!! Here are a few pictures!

Here, miles from Japan, I stand as if warmed by the spring sunshine of home

No comment on our facial expressions...



  1. Those are the most beautiful pictures!!! What design! The photographer is pretty good too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. love these pictures. is that the coat you bought in nyc? i like that coat. - lyn

  3. yes lyn, that's my nyc coat...h&m. ah - i'm coming out there soon! hopefully you are still there?!?

  4. The pics are AmaZInG, just like you!!!

  5. i cannot even believe your photography. what kind of camera do you use?

  6. JoRD - you are too kind. And Ivy - I use a Nikon D40 - it's an entry level SLR and for anyone interested in photography I have enjoyed this camera. Like I said, it's entry level, but I figured it's a good place to start as a novice. My sister Natalie did take some of the pictures, she's a very talented photographer. I am excited to buy extra lenses when funds allow.
