Thursday, April 17, 2008

Allergies and Apple Trees

Today my allergies let me know that they are excited for spring! Hooray!

I spent my lunch hour pruning the apple tree at my parent's place. I do love to prune. Whether to encourage fruit production, or to create a beautiful and safe canopy ...pruning is a calming yet laborious task that I undertake with excitement. Loppers, a sharp saw, and pruning shears are tools that all should have readily available. I have a friend who runs with pruning shears at night...and when he sees a tree that needs a little assistance - or that is in his path, he makes the proper cut and is on his way.

I am not a pro by all means, my expertise or lack-there-of has only room for improvement since I still claim level of novice.

So in the meantime, I'll cross my fingers that my parent's apple tree isn't in too much shock and that it is still willing to delight us with a few...if not more...apples this coming summer.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lorien!! I'm viewing the lovely apple tree outside my window at this very moment. It looks great - and - a little shorn! Kind of like the GI with the new haircut for basic training. Hopefully it will produce bushels of apples now. But I have one question - what is that weird branch on the top that just sticks out sideways?
