Tuesday, April 08, 2008

An Outing

Today was the first of many weekly outings - I declare.

Once a week I plan to have an adventure! At least. It is so easy to get caught up in hours and hours of work, making sure I get my run in, the laundry done, keep the apartment clean, the plants watered, and blah blah blah blah blah.

And while I consider my job an adventure - I still need an outlet ...somewhere my mind can run free and explore without a deadline.

This week: The study of daffodils and hyacinths at Temple Square.

I shall always try to convince a friend to come along and this week it was Brooke and her husband. Brooke is from my Sassafras days and was in my same major at the Y. I hadn't seen her in oh so long - so today my fun was doubled!

We started at the Red Iguana for an early dinner: Killer Nachos. It was my first time - and since I had heard rave reviews about the restaurant - I was rather girlish about going. We all shared one plate of the Killer Nachos; economical yet filling. Although, I am sure the hermano that took our order was a little put out when he found out that what he thought was a "starter" - was indeed our entire meal, everyone's meal at that!

So yes - daffs and hyacinths are out, among some other bulbs. The tulips are on the verge - some have even peaked out to show themselves off. My favorite part however was found at the Conference Center. Mini daffs sprinkle the planter beds here and there - creating clusters like fall aspens on the mountain side. I was in love. They are a delight! And right as I was to take some pictures my battery died! Drat.

I have never been a huge fan of pansies, which are also out - but I do love violas and violets. Pansies just need to be applied correctly to be successful in my mind - I like them as fillers among the taller tulips and daffs. But just as a polka dot, stand-alone...I don't know. Maybe I am too being too harsh.


  1. Hey Lorien, did you take that pic of the Temple or did you get it off the internet? I think that is such a cool picture:) What a fun adventure

  2. Hey! Yes, I took it myself. Feel free to take it if you like, or I can send you the original file. I am glad you liked it and will try to say if the pictures are originals from here on out.

  3. I dream of someday having Temple Square gardens out my back window - hint, hint. I guess I need to figure out how to make the big bucks first.

  4. you are so mean to the pansies! but I love your hair!
