Monday, June 02, 2008

A Silent Meal

This evening I ate dinner with the Collins family, underneath a maple tree. They certainly weren't much in the mood to converse, which was a good thing since I wasn't much in the mood for talking anyway.

In fact, it was quite silent...dead silent.

And even amid the quiet evening, they really were wonderful dinner companions - very contemplative and down to earth.

These days I seem to feel more comfortable in the presence of the dead, than the living.

I think I will be spending more dinners with the Collins family.


  1. Are you eating dinner in a cemetery these days?

  2. DeG!!! So happy you have joined the blogoshpere - um - yes, the cemetery...that would be a positive, ghost writer.
    I am staying in Park City most nights for the next 5 weeks or so...and sometimes I feel like I have no place to go and be, you know, a place I really belong. So - the cemetery is where it's at - not that I belong there per se... ha ha - but I do like it there - you can join me anytime, I would love some live company! Dinner, lunch, yeah.
