Friday, June 27, 2008

The end

of another week. To start off my Friday evening, it was a dead car and a dead phone. I hope that "dead" pattern doesn't continue .....although I wouldn't be surprised.

I drive up to my parents house, only to find my neighbor out on his front lawn, with a couch, chairs, and blankets laid out in front of a bookcase of books, an end table....and his piano-sized keyboard.

He is playing.

It's like he moved the front room of his house into his front yard, on this very fine June evening. So when I come in the house, and find it empty, I seek beauty and company in the sound of a live piano sweetly and wonderfully coming through the door I leave ajar. (LOVE live piano)

I open a window, rest my head against my crossed arms that are lying on the window sill and close my eyes. It's almost surreal and I love it. A perfect way to end a busy, stressful week.



A while later my sister Bethany did show up to the house - and shortly we were crossing the lawn with delight.

I, situated comfortably on the neighbors couch, enjoying light conversation with the lady as the man played on...Bethany, browsed through the many books, enchanted by titles and print dates.

I love summer evenings mixed with neighborhood camaraderie.


  1. Some stuff you just can't make up. I wish I was there.

  2. I love your blog. It was so fun to see you today and I am excited to be able to keep up with how your life is going without Fernando!

  3. Wasn't it...Frederico? Hee.
