Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I'll edit this soon - and actually write something! But for now,

My Mom's post on her blog has a GREAT picture of my dad.

Well, it's bragging time. My dad is simply wonderful and I feel extremely fortunate to have such a great father-daughter/friend relationship with him.

Ever since I was little my dad played a very active role in my life - and in the life of my siblings. He has always had a very busy schedule with work and time-demanding church callings, but always managed to fit us kids in, and more. When he was home, he was home. He loved spending time with us, and still does to this day.

A few things about my dad

- he has participated in 2 triathlons within the past four years - and performed well.
- he has a number of books/writings published: poetry, novels, short stories...
- when he was in high school he played basketball, baseball, and tennis. My aunt said all of her friends thought he looked great in those short basketball shorts.
- also when he was in high school he modeled for the local newspaper and when I get a copy of the pictures I'll post them. They are pretty sweet.
- he is the oldest of four.
- he served a mission to Brasil. (wahoo!)
- he has been to 50 something countries, due to work responsibilities.
- he lost his father at age 12.
- he loves Mantua, Utah. When we go canoing out on the lake he makes us stop rowing for a while so we can listen to the beauty of serene silence.
- he used to wear purple and pink shirts to teach Seminary.
- he loves peanut butter with radishes.
- and recently, putting peanut butter on a hamburger.
- he's great with a hula-hoop.
- "Fat chance" was a common phrase growing up.
- Sometimes (but it is a rare occasion) he laughs so hard that he cries, and has to leave the room to gain composure.
- horseshoes (the game) reminds me of him.
- he has done the family grocery shopping for the past 16 years or so.
- he loves the gospel and it shows.
- he is a gifted and an amazing teacher in the classroom.
- but probably his most amazing teaching comes through his example.
- he loves classical music, and it wasn't uncommon to do Saturday yard work to the sounds of a symphony.
- he's good on the piano.
- in college he had a toga that he would wear and pretend to speak in a foreign language.
- watching him work in the garden is a favorite memory.
- once when he wanted a hat, he saved his lunch money until he had saved enough to buy one.
- he is one of the most selfless people that I have ever known and is happy with the simple things in life.
- family and the gospel matters most.
- he loves juice.
- he can get very excited when it comes to BYU football.
- Boston cream pie is his favorite dessert.
- I would dare say that burnt-almond fudge is his favorite shake flavor.
- he gives insightful counsel and advice.
- he is a great listener.
- he does not like cilantro.
- he has great chalkboard handwriting, especially his "e's"
- currently he is the assistant to the head of CES.
- this year he was released as Stake President and was called to teach institute with my mom - they make a killer team when it comes to teaching, and I have been amazed by their lessons. If you want to go - just let me know.
- he likes black licorice.
- I love to hear him laugh.

Happy Father's Day Dad!

I Love You.

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