Sunday, June 29, 2008


Today I accompanied the ward choir with my violin - I hope nobody lost their faith because of it.

I started playing violin when I was 8. After a year I quit (the whole "I don't like my teacher" excuse) - then started again when I was 12 and played very consistently until I was 20. I was very good at one point, and could get through Orange Blossom Special fantastically. Then the banjo stole my attention and now I play violin rather sporadically, and might I say, pathetically.

I am quite self-conscious about playing in front of people, violin or otherwise. These days I play for myself because I my ears are forgiving of all those off-key tunes I fiddle around with, but I fear for the ears of those other than I keep it quite personal.

I have never been a soloist. I prefer to play with a group - that way I can disappear into the mass dressed in concert black. Black.

I do play with my sister - Tuesday Thursday is the name of our group. But I accompany, accompany - with violin, voice, guitar, banjo...just whatever. I provide basic, simple back-up and I enjoy it. Very low profile.

So today when I played with the choir and forgot to put my mute on until the second verse, and forgot to take my shoes off until the third verse (I don't like appearing so tall up on the stand) and was a note behind for a few measures on the fourth verse, and was the only one who forgot to hold a certain note long enough - I just shrugged it off, and moved on.

Embarrassment - another post in and of itself.

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