Monday, December 03, 2007

use of time

sometimes days are long, and sometimes days are short. what exactly determines that i don't know. and whether long or short, there are 24 hours alloted to us each day - and how we use those hours are completely up to the individual. sometimes i think of how much time i have during the day to accomplish tasks - and how sometimes i am poor - oh so very poor at that.
time management: a course i did not take in college.
i can be very efficient - on the ball, accomplishing so much that i even surprise myself....but the past week - and possibly longer, i have felt very sluggish, like someone hit the slow-motion button on my remote. the clincher is we never get that time back. once gone......forever gone.
at times i give myself pep-talks - come on hall! you can do it - get up, get going, go faster! whoo! but i think i need to throw a tail-gate party to get me going this time around....maybe it's this arrogant cold that has decided to be my BFF (best friend forever)


  1. I'm glad you call yourself 'Hall' when talking to yourself. So do I. I also have those pep talks with myself. While important and valuable I can't take them too seriously or else I go crazy.

  2. nice to see you are back on line - wahoo! i ardently look forward to blog association ~
