Saturday, December 22, 2007

blog just to blog

I have no objective as I sit down to my parents computer and begin to peck away at the keyboard. I believe Elder Maxwell was a pretty good pecker on the typewriter - I'll try to find a source on that one. I never did get a perfect A or even an imperfect A in typing class - which I delayed until my senior year of high school. But as a coworker once said - I type pretty well will the five fingers I use to get my message across. And yes I do use the backspace bar a bit.
Christmas is just around the corner, and as the New Year approaches I find myself focusing on that idea. But I need to conscientiously pause for a moment - or a few days...or until the 26th and from here until then focus on Christmas and what that means to me. Yes - that is what I will do. Also breath - sometimes that is something I forget to do.

I love events that brings the holidays closer to the heart. Last night I was taken to the Nutcracker Ballet at the Capitol Theater - and if that doesn't say the Holiday Season I don't know what does! It was beautiful! Beautiful set, beautiful dancers. Artistry, poise, dedication, elegance and enchantment all demonstrated in a series of choreographed movements. Magical - that was one word used to describe last nights events - and it was exactly that.
I always love to pick out a few of the dancers and watch them more intently than the others. Ones that if we were both off stage, we would get along famously...little do they know but I create a kind of friendship with them - and in a way I become them as if I was up on stage creating beauty in movement, and that makes it all the more personal for me and all the more enjoyable.

Oh - I just remembered that I am out of light bulbs.....sigh - Wal-Mart is the last place I want to go the Saturday night before Christmas!

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