Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thursday Musings

Today is Thursday.

Some of my students just don't listen.

Snow is on the ground,

and having to resort to dollar frozen-dinners and .44 frozen-burritos is not tastefully delightful. 

Rent is due.

I was the lucky host of Peter Lassig this afternoon.  He's very well respected in the garden and design world and is the mastermind behind the gardens at Temple Square.  He's been retired for a while now and is working on a book. (!)  I have been to his house before, to talk Japan and give him photos.  But today he came to MY house.  I was so pleased.  I gave him a tour of chez moi: front room, "office", kitchen, hallway, bedroom, bathroom, then I showed him some of my design work and art work - which he was happy about - which made me happy.

He's a wonderful individual and I am lucky to be his friend.

Thursday used to be my favorite day of the week.  Now it is Wednesday.  Change is good.

But that means I'm feeling the post-favorite-day blues but thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.

Time to call a land surveyor.


  1. Friday is my favorite day. Not Friday night, as is the case for many people. I really LOVE daytime Friday. If it were a Barbie, I would start playing with dolls again.

  2. I told you you are leading a charmed life!

  3. That sounds lovely.
    But I don't want you to live on frozen burritos. Come see me and I will do something about it, dear.
    P.S. I love your painting here on the blog. It's wonderful.

  4. I'm with Ro - I go for Friday - all the day long. I think it's hold over from grade school and Friday being the last day of the week - anticipation day. Frozen burritos are at the bottom of the culinary bucket. You are not allowed to eat them. Come and get some food!
