Wednesday, July 16, 2008

SLC Afternoon Nap

I woke up - and after looking around in a daze - I remembered where I was at. Specks of cotton hung in the air, highlighted by the afternoon rays...moving slowly, moving methodically - just like July. Green and grey surrounded me.

After joking for the past two weeks that my family was going to have to have a wedding and a funeral on the same day - I found it ironic that I would choose a cemetery to take a nap in this afternoon.

I was tired and hungry and needed a break.

After scouting out a grassy slope that was shaded by an elm on the west end, I enjoyed a light lunch of a pickle, an apple, some cashews, 2 hard boiled eggs and a water - follow by a light nap - followed by some guitar. I am learning Eva Cassidy's "The Autumn Leaves," - which I will play profusely come Fall - because that's when we met - last Fall - and that's when I'll miss him the most.

The company just happened to be taking naps as well - how convenient.

You know - it's interesting - how when one is surrounded by death - that one focuses on life. At least, that's how it is for me. I think through more thoroughly about my life - what I am doing, why I am doing it; where I am going, why I am going there; what's most important, and am I doing what's most important and what do I need to do to get where I want to be. It's funny how sometimes we want to get somewhere - and yet, don't do what it takes to get there. Probably because it's hard. But usually anything that is really worth it - is hard. It's the hard that makes it good - it's the hard that makes it worth it. It's the hard that makes it valuable and appreciated. My motto used to be DO HARD THINGS! That was a pre-mission motto. Then I went on a mission. And it was hard (at times harder than I had imagined). And it was worth it (at times, more worth it than I had imagined). It was the hard that made it worth it. I am working through a hard situation right now - and am waiting for the worth it part. But it'll what form, I do not know; and which way it will go, I do not know - but it will come. And it will be worth it.

That's a lot of hard and worth it in one paragraph.


  1. You good girl...I am just amazed by how you do so much and keep on going! You have amazing perspective and focus and know what is really important in life.

  2. oh Jord - you are the amazing one! raising a family and running a household is a full-time job, with plenty of overtime - quite commendable indeed! i wish i could have caught you when you were in town - i would love to see your little ones.
