For the past how-many-ever-months, I have been working on a particular project trying to meet a drop-dead deadline of July 12th (yesterday).
The past few weeks have been especially
crazy-busy and I have a few thanks to express to the people who pulled me through now that THE day has come and gone.
Last weekend everything had come to a pinnacle. When I thought of all that had to "magically" happen on site in one week, it all seemed so overwhelming. I was already physically and mentally shot from the previous weeks...add a troubled heart into the mix - and I was done. I broke down.
All areas of my life seemed to be in shambles or on the verge of - and I didn't have the capacity to deal with it - any of it. Functioning was no longer an option.
My younger sister by 4 years is getting married on Tuesday - so last Monday we had decided to have our last "girl's night out" before she says I do and moves to far away NYC. Monday evening arrived - and while I was up in Heber selecting stone for the project - my sisters and my mom were at my apartment putting it all back together from the previous weeks tornadoes. And although I was a bit embarrassed at having them open my door and see what a disaster it was - I was enormously grateful to each of them for putting my life physically back in order. I later met up with them at my parents house for a light dinner and a showing of "Father of the Bride." Thanks Mom, Allysha, Alena, Steph, Bethany, Kim, Nat, and KK!!!! Love you all tons - even though lately I have been too exhausted to be much fun.
He kept me on the edge - but wouldn't let me fall off. He checked in with me every once in a while to see how my emotional and physical state of being was - asking if there was anything he could do. He also fortified me spiritually and just hearing him talk kept me grounded.
We bonded a few years ago over Brazil - and that has been the base of our relationship ever since - being able to talk about the place and the people we love, and the message that changes lives.
My favorite aspect of associating with professionals in the business world are the relationships that are created, and that affect me, not only on a work level, but more so on a personal level. When I started off on my own I would have never thought to have gained so many friends with life-enhancing consequences. Paul is one of these many friends.
I could go on how he is amazing as a professional and gives wonderful service and insight into the project - and it would be enough to be quite impressive. But I would like to focus on how he has affected me as a person. Not only has he been a great sub, but he has been a friend, a confidante, and a counselor. I have been given business advice, book advice, and most of all heart advice.
A few weeks ago he stayed after hours just to talk with me about my concerns, fears, hopes and my heart. "Paul, the work day is over, you have a family to get home to!" "I wouldn't stay and talk through this with you if I didn't think it mattered."
On Wednesday I was almost to the point of delirium as a result of little sleep, little food and mucho stress - and needed to drive 40 minutes each way to purchase colored glass. There was no way I was going to make it safely on my own. So, Paul drove me, there and back again. We talked about business on the way there, and then he listened to my heart on the way back.
Thursday evening he brought his wonderful wife and 4 sons to help with a certain aspect of the about dedication!
Thanks Paul - to you and all of the gentlemen from your company. They have
all treated me in the very best fashion possible and did whatever it took to get the job done. I was quite amazed and speechless at times.
Marcos is my amigo on site. Many times we were the first two to appear on the job. All it took was an exchange of "AMIGO!" from me with a wave of both arms, and an "AMIGA!" from him with a big smile to start my day off right. I always looked forward to seeing my amigo a cada dia.
They always asked me questions about the job, about plants, about rocks - sometimes I think it was just to strike up a conversation. This group of hard-working, upstanding gentlemen became dear friends and I always enjoyed the exchange of words here and there. They really cared about how things were going for me and always showed genuine concern. I was always so happy to see them appear and reappear on the job. They have the greatest smiles that just fill you up with happiness.
THe DeTeCTiVe:
From day 1 he was a driving force - and a reason to do my best. His approval was always sought after and he brought out the best, creative, hard-working Lorflor possible. He made me think through my ideas, gave advice and answered question after question. Sometimes I wondered if he ever tired of my indecisiveness or my lack of knowledge...but if he did he never showed it. I have spent more time with him than any other person since last fall - and now that the project has significantly slowed down, I don't think I shall be seeing him as odd that will be, how sad that will be. The next project I start - I am sure I will be looking to my left and right - waiting for him to come around the corner so I can bother him about this or that. I don't know how I will do without him. We made a great team. When I ask for trivial advice or for an opinion from most people, I do the opposite of what they say. I surprised myself when I found that I actually agreed with most of his ideas and opinions. And although I have been looking forward to the completion of this project, I am not looking forward to the completion of this relationship. I know, I know - he'll always be a friend, you say. But it won't be the same.
Aside from the professional impact - the personal impact has been just as great if not greater. He brought out the me in me - and I could be myself with out being self-conscious. I have been through a lot personally since we met and have grown greatly emotionally and spiritually - he has been the catalyst for much of this growth. People come into your lives at certain times for certain seasons - and this has been one of the more significant ones. I don't know the length or the exact reason of this season, but like autumn - it has been full of rich color and beauty; like winter - the delight of a soft, fresh snowfall; like spring - new life and new hues; and like summer - the warmth of the sun's rays in the late afternoon.
So here's to triangle tubes, raw corn on the cob, steak, clear glass, sound-effects (especially
zing), walking the streets, paying
a lot in fees for over-texting (I eventually switched my plan to unlimited), the nutcracker, buying too many new shoes cause I thought he would like them, bottled water, music mixes, lots of smiles - along with lots of tears, and, of course - the number 11. CHeeRS!
My dad has been a guiding strength through this all and has supported me in numerous ways. He has provided me with strength and is willing to talk about whatever, whenever. This past week he called to see how I was surviving, and that simple phone call made a difference. Thanks dad! My appreciation for you goes forever and ever.
I'll end this post by paying tribute to my Heavenly Father. He has been through this with me every step of the way - I have looked to Him for design advice, plant advice, heart advice,...just about everything you could think of! He is a constant companion and has guided and directed me throughout this past year. He has answered prayer after prayer...and at times I have been overwhelmed by His love and interest for me. After all - he was the director for the creation this world! Who, but He, would be THE most qualified to give advice as far as landscape design goes! He is the Master Designer - and I hope I can show my love and appreciation for Him through how I live my life, and in the choices I make.
There are numerous others who deserve a paragraph or two in this post. Just know that I am grateful to ALL who made this possible and supported me in any aspect.