Wednesday, October 09, 2013

All To Myself*

*Originally written Octboer 3rd, 2013

My flat is a very particular one.

For example: I can't have house guests. Ever. Really. Oh - I want to invite a new friend over for dinner? Sorry, but no. What if my friends stop by and need a drink of water? Sorry, stay thirsty or buy a bottle from the corner market. I am getting ready when they're gong to wait for me in my bedroom. Sorry, I said no, do you know what that means? Oaky...last one - they are visiting from overseas? I am not talking to you anymore.

Yes, this is my place (but I still love it here).

Also - there's never a dirty dish - you must clean it right away (which I actually like).

There's a squeegee in the bathroom so you can squeegee down the entire shower stall after you shower. Do it or else (I feel this is also a good habit, especially since there is lime scale in the water here. Yuck.)

Oh yes - shoes off at the entrance.

Cleaning rota.

A very particular, only-use-this-here-and-that-there cleaning rota.

BUT - both my flatmates are gone right now - does this ever happen? (Probably, but I am rarely home myself really). Sarah has left for work at the hospital for the night and Tanvir is at a party - he left with a few bottles of vino...and I have the entire flat to myself...whaa haa haa has a.

I have left my bedroom door wide open (which usually is shut tight) with Katy Perry's Part of Me and Wide Awake "blasting: as loud as my MacBook will let it.


I did come home to dinner being prepared in the kitchen by both mates and was offered a plate of shrimp stir fry. I gratefully accepted, then was grilled about this whole Mormon bit.

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