Wednesday, September 29, 2010

in the Morning

The day is just beginning.  I can see small hints of a muted grey-blue sky out my windows.  Sun's not up yet. 

I like being up before the sun.

I feel fall in me.  I feel of it's richness and depth - it's great joy, and sometimes strange pain.  Somedays, as I am driving up and down Parley's, I have been so overwhelmed by the beauty of the canyon that I have started to cry.

Fall time encourages thoughts and feelings of home.  I am not speaking of where I grew up - but rather, the place I long to be.  I love where I live - L Street.  It's the most home I have ever felt in a place since leaving home over 10 years ago and moving over 30 times.  I am happy with L Street.  Gloria helps this place feel like home.  Sometimes in the evenings, when I am in my bathroom, I can hear jazz music coming from her kitchen through the vents in the floor and it always puts a smile on my face.  I feel like I live in New York City or Chicago - you know - those apartments where you have the downstairs neighbor who plays jazz in the evenings.  Also - when Gloria is referring to the house, she calls it "our" house.  And it melts my heart to hear that I belong here.  I have a garage where I can park my car.  A cellar where I can store my things, a washer and dryer for my dirty clothes and a big front porch..

But at the age of 29, what I own by way of furnishings, is very basic.  An old couch, a newer chair, a side table with a great lamp that casts a warm glow.  My sisters rug, a cheap cupboard/table thing and a small kitchen table with four chairs that I got from my other sister, who got it from my other sister.  Along with a drafting table and some small, short shelves for some books - that pretty much covers it.  Oh - I have a bed with a nightstand.  I do have that too!   

I am content with my belongings.  They fill the rooms adequately and appropriately.  But the other day I was in my space, and feeling fall, I felt how much home I am lacking.  It's the details that make the difference, and it's the details I do not have.  I have been cautious about bringing items into my apartment.  I have thought I wanted to take the minimalists approach and have nothing but the bare necessities, with maybe one or two paintings on the wall - you know...uber modern.  Maybe that's my excuse for a design scheme because that's all I can do right now - minus the painting.  As I thought of what this space should be, but is not, I felt very empty inside and started to cry.  (so I cry these days!)   

Dark wood, floor to ceiling bookshelves filled with dog-eared books of all genres.  Pictures on the walls and tables in various frames capturing various moments of life and friends.  A big handmade multi-colored afghan folded over the couch. Maybe a TV on a small TV stand somewhere.  A funky rug that is my own.  Artwork.  Side/end tables that don't match.  Mugs that were picked up on various trips.  A neat sculpture found at a flea-market.  A mirror with a really random ornate frame. And old record player for your vinyl.  A small box that was a gift, filled with spare change.   The scent of apples and cinnamon subtly suspended.  A friend sitting on the couch, listening to music while drinking hot cocoa in aforementioned mugs, and talking about random stuff while flipping through the pages of a magazine that came from the magazine rack.  Wabi-sabi; the comfort of time, imperfection and familiarity.

Details make a house feel lived in.  Time makes a house feel lived in.  They show that you live life, experience life - and that's what I am lacking.  The details you can't force - they come to you as they will, but you have to be open to them.  I am not talking about clutter either.  I abhor clutter - and do have some of that, but it's very little and I keep it under good control.  I am just talking about life, being surrounded by life.  


When I woke this morning, I woke in pain.  From the top of my head to the tip of my toes.  All in pain.  I got up and took some medicine and came back to bed with my computer.  Now I am going back to sleep.


  1. I hope you are feeling better.

    Nice post.

  2. Life and home come a little at a time, almost imperceptibly.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. All right,I'll try again. You are young at 29 and yes, I know that is one of those pivotal ages that make people stop and take measure. But take it from someone who has long passed that birthday you will find that funky rug and neat sculpture. Let's hear it for the eclectic decor.
