Friday, January 08, 2010

Why it has been a great day thus far:

1)  I have emailed three Japan contacts in an endeavor to further pursue a dream and to keep one friendship and two acquaintanceships alive and breathing.

2)  I had eggs with little bits of cheese and sliced avocado, salt and pepper, for breakfast.

3)  I had an important dialogue exchange that hopefully will lead to additional important dialogue exchanges.

4)  I told a dearest friend that I was thankful for each year of their life here on Earth.  Because I am. 

Why it shall continue to be a great day:

1)  I'm having a grapefruit with almonds for lunch.

2)  I'm preparing for my class next week - which I am a bit intimidated by, but I usually find it's a good thing for me to keep just a little nervousness or apprehension about my keeps me humble and a hard worker.  It keeps me green.

3)  I shall be attending DC this evening.  About a year ago I started a Diners Club so I could make friends.  Well, it worked.  However, due to economic situations, I resigned from being the ring leader/pilot and haven't attended for a few months.  I won a bet a few days ago - so now Tyler (who was my co-pilot, turned pilot for DC) shall pay for my meal.  Yipee.

4)  I have a phone meeting set up with my rock star accountant for 10 pm tonight.  Yes, I am taking care of taxes early.